funny reader pics
someone recently asked me what the most surprising thing about motherhood has been for me, and my immediate answer was that i had no idea how often this job would send me into hysterical fits of laughter.
apparently, i’m not the only one who lives with little comedians. my post on children’s bizarre sleeping accoutrements promted one reader to send me a link to this picture:
yes, both of this reader’s children slept on foam, fold-out couches, like this one, IN their beds.
another reader’s younger child was once spotted sleeping amidst a veritable bouquet of plastic food, arranged carefully by her older child.
and finally, on the day that i confessed that my children have two different mothers, i received this shot from the proud mama of the above pictured food sleeper:
it’s nice to know that i’m not the only mother whose fierce protection of the first child was replaced by a strange willingness to allow the second child to get “pushed around.”
my children’s ages and need for regular naps, combined with the fact that i do most of my preparation for work in a home-office sometimes make for a lonely and stir-crazy existence. the best thing that has happened since i started this blog is that i now enjoy regular contact with friends, old and new.
so, keep the crazy pictures coming. the opportunity to laugh out loud at the idiosyncrasies of other people’s children is just the plastic icing on the plastic cake!
Tags: foam couch, pictures, plastic food, reader, sleep, two different mothers
June 23rd, 2010 at 6:44 pm
thank you for sharing the laughter! 😀 Smiling BIG