saturday morning home tour
hello, and welcome to my home tour. i think i’ll start by giving your a glance at my sewing room:
oh yeah, i keep forgetting that you’ve already seen my kitchen and my office. we’ve passed that point in our relationship where i can blithely lie and change the subject to cover up my shortcomings. let’s just say that while i dream of the above displayed organization, my reality looks more like this:
it’s not that i don’t have an organizational system. i do actually have shelves and scrap bins, and i even returned everything to their places right before i left for the mountains. it’s just that everything lives within reach of the monkey and the bird, who love nothing more than to float around in vast seas of fabric. the up side is that this meticulous project of dumping, gathering, and arranging occupies the kids for hours.
i am still plugging away at the re[frame] productivity system for creative people . my “to do” list still resides in a cute little box of note cards, my files are still in order, and my office hasn’t been a disaster area in quite some time. clearly the sewing room project is next. i’m thinking pegboards (out of the children’s reach) securing scissors, rotary cutters, and the like. i’m thinking colorful displays of bobbins and thread, elevated just beyond the monkey’s grasp. i’m thinking off-the-floor shelving for the fabric and scraps. this is going to be huge, people.
if any of you crafty types have any tips, pictures, or inspiration to share, bring it on.
the result is going to be sew fantastic.
the nice orderly fabric picture was borrowed from thread on 6th street in tuscumbia, AL.
Tags: bird, fabric, home tour, monkey, note cards, re[frame], scraps, sewing room
August 14th, 2010 at 8:52 am
The problem with all those gorgeous organized pictures you see on websites of workspaces like that is that they seem to all be from homes without kids. Even the organized kids’ rooms (say Ikea catalog pics) seem to be from homes without kids.
As a person who thrives on organization, this drives me absolutely insane. Because kids GET INTO STUFF. I am desperately trying to figure out how to be organized with them in the house constantly.
The problem with placing things out of their reach is that they grow, and I think they won’t lose their interest in tearing things up as they can reach them for at least another few years.
I’ve been contemplating locked doors and REALLY high shelves for things. I most like the concept of just teaching your toddlers to respect belongings and put things away when they’re done looking but… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… especially when it’s awesome things like fabric and scissors…
August 14th, 2010 at 8:54 am
I have been working on organizing my sewing space this week. I think all the scraps of fabric and the endless spools of embroidery thread really push the organizational task beyond my capabilities. I had been trying to FOLD and stack all my scraps….I am getting a scrap bin today!!
And I have put my spools on a peg board – it does look lovely and no more digging for colors in a mess of knots…lets see how long it stays that way! I also hung all my sissors on the board, too.
Good luck!
August 14th, 2010 at 11:22 am
I’m sure that there are some great sewing room ideas on Apartment Therapy. I’ll look and send you some links… which you may have already seen?!? Sewing rooms have so much potential!
August 14th, 2010 at 4:01 pm
oh sure, blame it on the kids!
we just spent the day at target getting school supplies for wally’s big day of kindergarten and every aspect of the house is a disaster! i wish i had a camera.
August 18th, 2010 at 9:54 am
um. I was going to ask where you bought all those lovely bolts of fabric. My sewing room is confined to the space of two desks and it’s driving me mad. In our next house, i’m requiring my own room, with a lock!!