mothers of invention: emma
first name: Emma
age: 31
current city: Richmond, VA
living situation: Husband, Josh; Violet, 3; Iris, 2 months
occupation: Adjunct Faculty in the School of Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
how do you structure your time and space? I feel very fortunate to have a super part-time job situation right now. I go on campus two days a week to teach, do prep work and grade. Violet goes with me and attends the VCU Child Development Center. We drop Iris at a wonderful woman’s house on these days. I work at home with Iris a third day and Violet attends the Child Development Center. The three of us enjoy being home together the other two days and of course the weekend! Like all of us, I squeeze in house work, cooking and job responsibilities whenever I can (during naps or Sesame Street, after bedtime, et cetera).
using the metaphor of seasons to describe the phases of women’s lives,
-what are the particular challenges and highlights of your current season? Prior to this year, I was a full-time teacher which I loved. However, I really enjoy spending more time with my babies now and not rushing out the door each morning. I am able to enjoy professional stimulation and still feel very present for my children. I do miss having my own classroom and building relationships with children and families though. The only other drawback to my current situation is that I don’t have too much time for myself. I’m either working or on Mommy duty.
-What season(s) preceded this one? I taught elementary school for 9 years.
-What season(s) might your future hold? When Iris is old enough to attend the VCU Child Development Center (16 months), I plan to resume more work responsibilities, including teaching an additional class and supervising student teachers. I still plan to only work three full days. When both girls are in school, I might like to return to a school as a reading specialist.
Favorite family activity/activities: We love walking and exploring our new neighborhood — the historic fan neighborhood of Richmond. My husband and I divide the stroller-pushing and dog-walking responsibilities as we visit all our favorite neighborhood spots: coffee shops, restaurants, parks, the book store and toy store.
favorite solo activities: reading, napping, watching American Idol
sources of inspiration: My husband is a very hard worker and I’m proud of what he does each day. I try to do my best on the home front to help him be successful at work. I know that sounds 1950s, but it’s true! My mother is a huge help to me, in terms of emotional support as well as help with the girls. I am inspired by the way she worked full time until two years ago, made our house a warm place, took care of my sister and me, and still found time to do things she enjoyed. I continue to be impressed by her devotion to our whole family. And, of course, my babies inspire me to be the best me and the best mommy I can possibly be.
best MakeShift moment: Because my childcare for Iris is very limited, she often comes on campus with me in the Baby Bjorn. She has been to meetings and walked all over campus with me! There is also a coffee shop here called Cartwheels and Coffee that has an indoor play structure as well as wifi. I have been able to do work there while Violet plays and Iris sits in the car seat. As far as balancing my housekeeping and cooking duties, I have been known to call the Colonel (pick up Kentucky Fried Chicken) and wear the same shirt over and over!
[if you know someone who would make a good “mothers of invention” feature, check out the nomination process detailed on the sidebar pages to the right.]
Tags: 1950s, adjunct faculty, cartwheels and coffee, emma, kentucky fried chicken, part-time, richmond, teacher
April 16th, 2010 at 8:32 am
Thank you for highlighting one of my favorite people and one of the best teachers I’ve ever known.
Emma, we miss you here in Memphis and not a day goes by that Charlie doesn’t ask why you can’t come back to teach him in first grade. I’m glad that you have been able to make the space for more “mommy” time; just make sure you get some “me” time too!
Love to Josh and the girls from us! Can’t wait to see you!
April 16th, 2010 at 8:08 pm
You make me miss Richmond and The Fan! I used to live on Floyd Ave. Sooo jealous about the Cartwheels place…what a great idea.
April 17th, 2010 at 9:06 am
We used to live on Floyd too. Now we’ll be on Grove. Are you in Memphis? There’s no zoo to walk to here!!!!
April 17th, 2010 at 9:08 am
You are one of my favorite people and such an inspiration as a mother. I often, often, often think “what would Jessica do”. Those are just amazing children you and Marcus are raising. I was so fortunate to teach Lily and surely wish I could teach my little Char Char!
See you in July!
April 17th, 2010 at 9:10 am
Thank you for including me in this awesome website. You have given me a lot of food for thought in the last few months and I really appreciate it. I haven’t met too many other “mommy friends” up here yet, so it’s nice to have this connection to other thinking, interesting, supportive moms. What an awesome idea from an awesome woman and mother!
April 17th, 2010 at 10:10 pm
Nope I wish…current city has none of the charm of Richmond or Memphis. No place like home, right? Enjoy it!
April 19th, 2010 at 8:39 pm
Miss you so much, Emma! You are such a great role model to the more junior mommies, like me!